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The Importance of Libraries as an Academic


Kathryn Muehlberger, Client Communications Specialist

Sep 2024

Even with the emergence of technology and artificial intelligence, traditional libraries still hold as a source of importance to researchers and academics. Libraries are not just for books and periodicals; they can provide invaluable resources for research, innovation, and opportunities for collaborations. Here are some reasons why libraries are an important resource for academics.

Home of Archives
Many libraries house important records that cannot be found elsewhere. For example, the Harvard University Library, being one of the largest academic libraries in the world, contains the Archives collection. The Harvard University Archives holds “comprehensive records of student theses, dissertations, and prize papers, offering rich historical insights.” (Peeref) Another example of a library that preserves invaluable resources is the Smithsonian Library, which has a wide range of collections from history, art, environmental science, and more. These collections function as important resources for any researcher.

Events and Workshops
In addition to maintaining important archives, libraries can also serve as meeting places for events, workshops, public lectures, and more. The Boston Public Library offers a variety of resources that can suit the needs of the academic community. These include art exhibits, informational sessions, and space for hosting your own event. The UC Berkeley Library holds Book Talks, where faculty discuss their latest publications. The library also has a Digital Humanities program, which offers workshops on digital tools you can use for your research.

Accessibility is key for researchers when navigating any library. TheStanford University library system provides access to a wide variety of databases and journals to utilize for literature reviews and staying current with industry trends. MIT Libraries have a repository for digital archives for “MIT's research, including peer-reviewed articles, technical reports, working papers, theses, and more.” (MIT Libraries) The UC Berkeley Library also offers a program that covers publication fees for open access journals, which helps researchers reach a wider audience.

Case Studies
• Harvard University Library: A rare Chinese text (one of only two known copies) was recently recovered and is now housed at Harvard Library.
• UC Berkeley Library: Students discovered a 2,000-year-old fragment of papyrus at the library’s Bancroft Library’s Center for the Tebtunis Papyri and created a poster of their findings.
• Boston Public Library: LeBlanc et al. published a paper on the benefits of BPL’s Leventhal Map & Education Center.

Traditional libraries serve as important places in communities that help support researchers in all academic fields. They house archives and easily accessible resources and sponsor events, including book talks, informational sessions, and exhibits. Support and check out your local library for all your academic needs!

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